Getting the Deal Through - Electricity Regulation
Vicens, Marisol (2009)
The generation, transmission and sale of electricity in the Dominican Republic is currently governed by the following laws:
- General Law of Electricity 125-01 of 2001 (GLE), which governs the current legal framework applicable to the electricity market;
- Regulation for Application of the GLE, as amended by Presidential Decree 749-02 of 2002 and Presidential Decree 494-07 of 2007 (GLE Regulation);
- General Law for the Reform of Public Enterprises 141-97 of 2007 (the Reform Law);
- Hydrocarbons Law 112-00 of 2000 and its regulation;
- Law 57-07 regarding Incentives for the Development of Renewable Sources of Energy and their Special Regimes of 2007 (the Renewable Energy Law or REL);
- Regulation for Application of the Renewable Energy Law (the REL Regulation) enacted by Presidential Decree 202-2008 of 2008;
- Law 186-07 of 2007, which modifies certain provisions of the GLE and the GLE Regulation;
- Decree 628-07 of 2007, which created the Empresa de Generación Hidroeléctrica Dominicana (EGEHID); and
- Decree 629-07 of 2007,which created
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